Want to change or to restore the original button function,

03/09/2011 18:07


 can be opened them again "customization" dialog box, then right click this button, choose "distribution hyperlink" of the "open (or delete link)" the order, can again

Allocation (or delete) of this button hyperlinks.

3. Allocate hyperlinks objects may be applications, also can be the folder or specific files. If is the Microsoft Office is so great!

folder, press the button will quickly locate to this folder, this to quickly open one file is very convenient The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.

; If it is specific files, will call the corresponding associated procedures to open the file.

4. First open to insert PPT slides of courseware, and determined to insert PPT slides position. (this Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.

paper operations in PowerPoint 2003, for example) which in turn click "insert - slides (from file)" the order

With pop-up "slides searcher" dialog box, as shown, choose "Semite" item search demo, click "browse button positioning to slide in the courseware PPT.

How to determine the PPT would reproduce slides, here provides two modes, namely Microsoft Office 2007 is my love!

cross-sectional and longitudinal preview for your choice: transverse preview features, intuitive, and can directly drive around the scroll bar preview slide content;

Longitudinal preview mode is the slides into two columns, you can either in the left column to Office 2007 is so powerful.

discontinuous selected some slides, but also in the right column in its content also check. Below we introduced respectively selected PPT slides
