The Economy of Machinery and Manufactures(208)

02/22/2011 15:59


455. There was, indeed, in our own country, one singleposition to which science, when concurring with independentfortune, might aspire, as conferring rank and station, an officederiving, in the estimation of the public, more than half itsvalue from the commanding knowledge of its possessor; and it isextraordinary, that even that solitary dignity - that barony I love Office 2010 !

bytenure in the world of British science - the chair of the RoyalSociety, should have been coveted for adventitious rank. It ismore extraordinary, that a Prince, distinguished by the liberalviews he has invariably taken of public affairs - and eminent forhis patronage of every institution calculated Office 2010 download is available now!

to alleviate thosemiseries from which, by his rank, he is himself exempted - who isstated by his friends to be the warm admirer of knowledge, andmost anxious for its advancement, should have been so imperfectlyinformed by those friends, as to have wrested from the head ofscience, the only civic wreath which could adorn its brow.(2*) Office 2010 key is for you now!

 In the meanwhile the President may learn, through the onlymedium by which his elevated station admits approach, that thoseevils which were anticipated from his election, have not provedto be imaginary, and that the advantages by some expected toresult from it, have not yet Outlook 2010 is powerful.

become apparent. It may be rightalso to state, that whilst many of the inconveniences, which havebeen experienced by the President of the Royal Society, haveresulted from the conduct of his own supporters, those who werecompelled to differ from him, have subsequently offered novexatious opposition: they wait in patience, convinced that theforce of truth must ultimately work its certain, though silentcourse; not doubting that when His Royal Highness is correctlyinformed, he will himself be amongst the first to be influencedby its power.   Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

 456. But younger institutions have arisen to supply thedeficiencies of the old; and very recently a new combination,differing entirely from the older societies, promises to giveadditional steadiness to the future march of science. The BritishAssociation for the Advancement of Science, which held its firstmeeting at York(3*) in the year 1831, would have acted as apowerful ally, even if the Royal Society were all that it mightbe: but in the present state of that body such an association isalmost necessary for the purposes of science. Microsoft Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.