Article archive

Conversion Of Constantine(30)

02/16/2011 09:29
   Theseparation of men into the two orders of the clergy and of thelaity was, indeed, familiar to many nations of antiquity; and thepriests of India, of Persia, of Assyria, of Judea, of Aethiopia,of Egypt, and of Gaul, derived from a celestial origin thetemporal power and possessions...

Conversion Of Constantine(29)

02/16/2011 09:29
  The irresistible power of the Roman emperors was displayedin the important and dangerous change of the national religion. The terrors of a military force silenced the faint andunsupported murmurs of the Pagans, and there was reason toexpect, that the cheerful submission of the Christian...

Conversion Of Constantine(28)

02/16/2011 09:28
  The conversion of the Barbarians under the reign ofConstantine is celebrated by the ecclesiastical historians. (SeeSozomen, l. ii. c. 6, and Theodoret, l. i. c. 23, 24.) ButRufinus, the Latin translator of Eusebius, deserves to beconsidered as an original authority. His information...

Conversion Of Constantine(27)

02/16/2011 09:27
  The colonies of Jews, who hadpenetrated into Arabia and Ethiopia, ^78 opposed the progress ofChristianity; but the labor of the missionaries was in somemeasure facilitated by a previous knowledge of the Mosaicrevelation; and Abyssinia still reveres the memory of Frumentius,^* who, in the...

Conversion Of Constantine(26)

02/16/2011 09:26
   The exact balance of thetwo religions continued but a moment; and the piercing eye ofambition and avarice soon discovered, that the profession ofChristianity might contribute to the interest of the present, aswell as of a future life. ^72 The hopes of wealth and honors, Microsoft...

App Genome Project eyes iPhone, Android security

01/28/2011 14:49
  He did not speculate on the motivation of the developer, but said many security issues ariseOutlook 2010 is powerful.  because of developer oversight and are not necessarily malicious. For instance, Citibank said Microsoft Office 2010 is so great. Monday that it had plugged a hole in...

Google changes tempo of music approach

01/28/2011 14:45
  Elizabeth Moody, a well-respected attorney who has negotiated numerous licensing on behalf of Web music services, has joined the search engine, TechCrunch reported on Friday. Another story Many people like Microsoft Office. that appeared Monday in the New York Post says Google is in New York...

Afghanistan war logs: How US marines sanitised record of bloodbath1

01/20/2011 16:18
  Two hours later Americans returned to the scene of the bombing to conduct an "exploitation of the blast site with pictures/grid cords as well as debriefing ANP leadership on scene". Journalists on the spot gave a more detailed account. They said angry marines tore their cameras from their...

Visitors notice

01/20/2011 09:14
Let your visitors know about news and events on your website as often as possible. You need to keep your website up-to-date so that your visitors will get used to visiting your pages regularly. You can use RSS feeds to deliver new articles directly to your readers.

Website launched

01/20/2011 09:13
Our new website has been launched today. Tell your visitors why you have started a new presentation and how it benefits them. Mention your goals and project advantages. Try to briefly give your visitors reasons why they should return to your pages.
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